3rd Marking Period

"Stay Gold Ponyboy" — This is the clip we discussed in class. What did he mean?

All 3rd Marking Period Files — Click on the link to view all 3rd MP files.

Comic book version of The Masque of the Red Death

Hungry are the Damned (Simpsons parody of To Serve Man)

Lamb to the Slaughter (1958 Hitchcock version) — This is the clip that we watched in class and is part ofthe assignment.

Lamb to the Slaughter (Tales of the Unexpected 1979) — This is a version of the story from Roald Dahl's TV show in the 70s.

Link to Chicken Little video from 1943 — We compared this to Animal Farm in class and used it as an example of an allegory.

Nothing Gold Can Stay (The Outsiders) — This is the clip of Ponyboy reciting the Robert Frost poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" from the movie "The Outsiders".

Persephone's kiss from "The Matrix" movies — This is the scene from "The Matrix" trilogy that we compared to the Robert Frost poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay"

The Masque of the Red Death Part 1 of 2 — We watched this in class.

The Masque of the Red Death Part 2 of 2 — We watched this in class

This is an interpretation of The Masque of the Red Death — This is an updated interpretation of the story. We watched a clip of this that started around the 45 minute mark.